Published Research

Published Research

PBCF supports the work of the St George Cancer Centre & UNSW Clinical School. Throughout the year the results of their work into prostate, breast & other cancers is published in high profile global publications, contributing to the global knowledge base and sharing breakthroughs and insights with other researchers.

One area of interest with great promise is the investigation of ‘extracellular vesicles’. This area offers the hope of finding new methods to detect cancer early. Early detection of all cancers would be a major public health innovation and contribute greatly to higher levels of survival, especially in the ‘less detectable’ cancers such as liver, pancreatic, cervical, ovarian and many others.   

PBCF Funded Research Papers

Immunotherapy for triple-negative breast cancer: A molecular insight into the microenvironment, treatment, and resistance

Xupeng Bai, Jie Ni, Julia Beretov, Peter Graham, Yong Li (2012)

Activation of the eIF2α/ATF4 axis drives triple-negative breast cancer radioresistance by promoting glutathione biosynthesis

Xupeng Bai, Jie Ni, Julia Beretov, Valerie C. Wasinger, Shanping Wang f, Ying Zhu, Peter Graham, Yong Li (2021)

THOC2 and THOC5 Regulate Stemness and Radioresistance in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

Xupeng Bai, Jie Ni, Julia Beretov, Shanping Wang, Xingli Dong, Peter Graham, and Yong Li (2021)

Extracellular vesicles: the next generation of biomarkers for liquid biopsy-based prostate cancer diagnosis

Bairen Pang, Ying Zhu,  Jie Ni, James Thompson,  David Malouf, Joseph Bucci,  Peter Graham, Yong Li (2020)

Triple-negative breast cancer therapeutic resistance: Where is the Achilles’ heel?

Xupeng Baia,b, Jie Nia,b, Julia Beretova,b,c, Peter Grahama,b, Yong Lia (2020)

Exosomes in Cancer Radioresistance

Jie Ni, Joseph Bucci, David Malouf, Matthew Knox, Peter Graham1, Yong Li (2019)

Inhibition of PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway alleviates ovarian cancer chemoresistance through reversing epithelial-mesenchymal transition and decreasing cancer stem cell marker expression

Junli Deng, Xupeng Bai, Xiaojie Feng, Jie Ni, Julia Beretov, Peter Graham, and Yong Li, (2019)

CHTOP in Chemoresistant Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: A Novel and Potential Therapeutic Target

Xiaojie Feng, Xupeng Bai, Jie Ni, Valerie C. Wasinger, Julia Beretov, Ying Zhu, Peter Graham, and Yong Li (2019)

Liquid biopsy in ovarian cancer: recent advances in circulating extracellular vesicle detection for early diagnosis and monitoring progression

Lei Chang1, Jie Ni, Ying Zhu, Bairen Pang, Peter Graham, Hao Zhang, Yong Li, (2019)

Inhibition of PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway alleviates ovarian cancer chemoresistance through reversing epithelial-mesenchymal transition and decreasing cancer stem cell marker expression

Junli Deng, Xupeng Bai, Xiaojie Feng, Jie Ni, Julia Beretov, Peter Graham, and Yong Li1 (2019)

Cancer stem cell in breast cancer therapeutic resistance

Xupeng Baia, Jie Ni, Julia Beretova, Peter Grahama,  Yong Li (2018)

Urinary biomarkers in prostate cancer detection and monitoring progression
Duojia Wua,b , Jie Nia,b , Julia Beretova,b,c , Paul Cozzib,d , Mark Willcoxe , Valerie Wasingerf,g , Bradley Walshh , Peter Grahama,b , Yong Li (2017)

Targeting MicroRNAs in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy

Jie Ni, Joseph Bucci, Lei Chang, David Malouf,  Peter Graham, Yong Li (2017)

Proteomics discovery of radioresistant cancer biomarkers for radiotherapy

Lei Chang, Peter Graham, Jingli Hao, Joseph Bucci, David Malouf, David Gillatt, Yong Li, (2015)

Targeting PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway in the treatment of prostate cancer radioresistance

Lei Changa, Peter H. Grahama, Jie Ni, Jingli Hao, Joseph Bucci, Paul J. Cozzi, Yong Li (2015)

Cancer Stem Cells in Prostate Cancer Chemoresistance 

Jie Ni, Paul Cozzi, Jingli Hao, Wei Duan, Peter Graham, John Kearsley, and Yong Li, (2014)

CD44 Variant 6 is Associated With Prostate Cancer Metastasis and Chemo-/Radioresistance

Jie Ni, Paul J. Cozzi, Jing L. Hao, Julia Beretov, Lei Chang, Wei Duan, Sarah Shigdar, Warick J. Delprado,  Peter H. Graham, Joseph Bucci, John H. Kearsley, and Yong Li (2014)

Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) is associated with prostate cancer metastasis and chemo/radioresistance via the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway

Jie Ni, Paul Cozzi, Jingli Haoa,b, Julia Beretova, Lei Changa, Wei Duane, Sarah Shigdar, Warick Delpradof, Peter Grahama, Joseph Bucci, John Kearsleya, Yong Li (2013)

Cancer Stem Cells “The Root of Radioresistance” in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy

Yong Li et al (2013)

Acquisition of epithelial–mesenchymal transition and cancer stem cell phenotypes is associated with activation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway in prostate cancer radioresistance

L Chang, PH Graham, J Hao, J Ni, J Bucci, PJ Cozzi, JH Kearsley and Y Li (2013)