Rochelle's Story

Since embarking on her medical career six years ago, Rochelle has assisted in the diagnosis and treatment of countless cancer patients through her work at Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney...


Bill’s Story

Being 84 years old hasn’t meant retired RAAF (airforce) member Bill has stopped enjoying keeping handy. While his age has meant he’s had to slow ...


Phillip’s Story

As someone who is strong, independent and enjoys living on his own, Philip connected to PBCF following his cancer diagnosis.


Jenny’s Story

As we chat, it’s evident that the focus of Jenny’s life has always been her family. From moving to Sydney from Hong Kong several decades ago...


Frank & Erica’s Story

At an ever active 'over-80' years old, Frank lives in Sydney, over 900km away from his daughter Erica’s family in Brisbane. For the past few years, Erica has been...


Doreen’s Story

At 90 years of age, there weren’t many things that were left to surprise Doreen, but her breast cancer diagnosis was certainly one.


Astrid’s Story

With her fight against the disease requiring every ounce of strength and many of her family overseas, Astrid and her family found the support of CanCare...


Danielle’s Story

Friday the 13th of November 2015 is a day Danielle will never forget - the day of her diagnosis. She took her first Pilates class...