Any Questions?
I would like to buy tickets. What are the payment options?
We accept Visa, Mastercard & American Express or we can arrange a one-off direct debit from your bank account.
We can also send you a letter, so you can pay by cheque, BPAY or at Australia Post (post-office) with Postpay.
Or call 1300-084311 (Mon-Fri, 12pm-8pm)
How do I get my Lucky Numbers (tickets)?
Lucky Numbers (tickets) are sent by post, either after you agreed to purchase or if you made a credit-card payment. Only tickets that are paid for before the draw go into the draw. They are mailed to the address we confirmed when they were purchased.
If they have not arrived please let us know (1300-084311, Mon-Fri, 12pm-8pm) and we can check your address and send them again.
If you would like them re-sent, email:
How will I know if I have won?
The day after each draw, winners are notified by telephone and mail. The results are also published on our website here. We only publish the winning ticket holders first name, suburb and the winning ticket number.
Do winners pay tax on the prizes if they win?
Generally tax is not payable on winnings but you best refer to your accountant or tax agent for professional advice.
If I win a big prize like a car, can I sell it?
Yes, as soon as you have taken delivery and it is officially yours, you can sell it.
I had a missed call from (02) 82842672 or (08) 64444811 – is this the National Cancer Lottery?
Yes. If you call this number there is an answering machine that identifies us as the caller.
You can ignore or call us on 1300-084311 (Mon-Fri, 12pm-8pm) if you prefer to receive no further calls (ask to be put on our do-not-call list), or if you would like to buy tickets or donate.
I order my tickets through the mail. Why would you be calling me?
If we have a query regarding your order, we will call to try to clarify the details.
How do I sign up as a Cancer Crusader?
You can let us know by:
• Email to
• Give us a call on 1300-084311 (Mon-Fri, 12pm-8pm)
If I become a Cancer Crusader, can I stop or alter my automatic credit card or direct debit payments?
Anytime. Let us know and we will cancel the deduction immediately
If I am a Cancer Crusader, how do I know what my ticket-numbers are?
In your Cancer Crusader “Welcome” pack, your Lucky Number ticket entries are listed in the letter. These entries go into every draw. If for some reason a payment is missed, the number of entries in the next lottery is adjusted, so you receive the correct number of entries.
I sent you an email, how quickly will you respond?
We aim to address all email enquiries within 24 hours, allowing for weekends or public holidays! Send to
Who do I contact if I’d like to know more?
You can email or call our Lottery Hotline (Monday to Friday, 12pm to 8pm) on 1300 084311.
Where does your telemarketing team source phone numbers from?
PBCF is registered with the ACNC and all fundraising initiatives carried out by PBCF are regulated in compliance with the ACNC’s Governance Standards.
Telephone numbers called are those available on public record and listed numbers or compiled/online sources where you have given consent or approval online (eg. digital forms, competitions). We do not share or swap lists with other charities and comply with ‘do-not-call’ industry standards. There are limited exemptions for certain public interest organisations (such as charities, educational institutions, market research, opinion pollsters or government bodies) to make specific telemarketing calls. You can withdraw your consent at any time by asking the organisation or individual not to call. While these exclusions to the Do Not Call Register are available, PBCF also maintains its own Do-Not-Call register, ensuring requested numbers are excluded from future contact.